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All About Paperweights
/ Lawrence H. Selman
American Glass Paperweights
/ Francis Edgar Smith
American Glass Paperweights and Their Makers
/ Jean S. Melvin
Antique French Paperweights
/ Paul Jokelson
Antique Glass Paperweights from France
/ Patricia K. McCawley
Art of Collecting, The
/ Art Elder
Art of the Paperweight, The
/ Lawrence H. Selman
Art of the Paperweight - Challenging Tradition
/ Lawrence H. Selman, Guest Curator
Art of the Paperweight, Perthshire, The
/ Lawrence H. Selman
Art of the Paperweight: Saint Louis, The
/ Gerard Ingold
Art of the Paperweight: The Boston & Sandwich Glass Companies, The
/ John D. Hawley
Art of the Paperweight: The
Boston & Sandw
ich and New England Glass Companies, The
/ John D. Hawley
Art of the Paperweight: The New England Glass Company
/ John D. Hawley
Baccarat Paperweights — two centuries of beauty
/ Paul H. Dunlop
Baccarat: Paperweights and related Glass 1820-1860
/ Paul Jokelson & Dena K. Tarshis,
Classic French Paperweights
/ Edith Mannoni
Classic Paperweights from Silesia/Bohemia
/ Peter von Brackel
Clichy Paperweights—classics of the nineteenth century
/ Paul H. Dunlop
Collector’s Guide To Paperweights, A
/ Sara Rossi
Collector’s Guide to Paperweights 1840s to 2006
/ Mark Pickvet
Complete Guide to Perthshire Paperweights, The
Colin & Debby Mahoney, and Gary & Marge McClanahan
Dictionary of Glass Paperweights, The
/ Paul H. Dunlop
Dictionary of Paperweight Signature Canes, Identification and Dating
/ Andrew H. Dohan
Encyclopedia of Glass Paperweights, The
/ Paul Hollister
Flora in Glass, Paperweights by Paul J. Stankard
/ Pat McCawley
Garland of Weights, A
/ Frank J. Manheim
Glass Menagerie, A Study of Silhouette Canes in Antique Paperweights, The
/ John D. Hawley
Glass Paperweights
/ James Mackay
Glass Paperweights from The Estelle Doheny Collection
/ Mary Redus Gayle
Glass Paperweights in The Art Institute of Chicago
/ Geraldine J. Casper
Glass Paperweights Of The Bergstrom Art Center
/ Evelyn Campbell Cloak
Glass Paperweights of The Bergstrom-Mahler Museum
/ Geraldine J. Casper
Glass Paperweights Of The New-York Historical Society
/ Hollister, Paul.
Glass Paperweights,The Heritage of the 19th Century Riesengebirge And Iserbirge Glassworks
/ Marek Kordasiewicz
Glass Worlds, Paperweights from the ROM’s collectio
n / Brian Musselwhite
Identifying Antique Paperweights, Millefiori
/ George N. Kulles
Identifying Antique Paperweights, Lampwork
/ George N. Kulles
Identifying Antique Paperweights, The Less Familiar
/ George N. Kulles
Jokelson Collection of Antique Cameo Incrustation, The
/ Paul H. Dunlop
Les Presse-Papiers Francais
/ R. Imbert & Y.